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Outstanding Student Award

The Ordinance Of NIBS Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Publication Date:2014/12/03

The purpose of the Outstanding Graduate Student Awards is to honor exceptional students for their significant contributions and accomplishments in research, community service and experiential learning.  The awards were donated from Private Donations to confer honor upon individuals, who, by their contributions to their field and the community, have brought recognition to themselves and NIBS.

First, the selection of awardee

The students at NIBS

Second, the selection method

Students need to submit a written application with the recommendation of PI to the Graduate school. The final award list was assessed by the Graduate students committee.

Third, the selection period and release time

NIBS Outstanding Graduate Student Award was set up in 2008, and will be selected once a year. From these nominations, a committee will select 10-20 recipients every year. The application will be received from May and announced during the annual meeting every year.
