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NIBS in December 2005 was directly initiated by the Chinese government to establish new research institutes. By the adoption of advanced management mode in line with international standards, NIBS has converged a large number of world-class scientists which research areas covering neurobiology, developmental biology, structure biology, stem cells, virology, human genetics, botany, computational biology, synthetic and medicinal chemistry, and many other popular areas of the life sciences.Since its establishment, it has built up 24 laboratories and 12 core facilities; published total of more than 230 scientific papers, with an average SCI impact factor of 10.96, where 8 papers on Cell, 12 on Nature and 9 on Science.A large number of jump-start young academic scientists made their figures on international stages, many of them get international awards like young Scientist Award by HHMI, young Scientist Award by Protein Society and other domestic awards like ZHOU Guangzhao Foundation Award, Outstanding Young scientists and so on.

In personnel training, adhering to the interest-oriented, NIBS teach students in accordance of their aptitude and encourage teachers and students to exchange research ideas equally to create a relaxed academic atmosphere. NIBS was the first to adopt rotation internships for both teachers and students in our country to provide a platform for two-way selection. Annual Conference, the summer camp student activities and other academic exchange activities held regularly every year at NIBS. More than 50 high-level academic lectures were held for students providing them a broad space to learn. By the end of 2014, NIBS has 360 graduate students, doctoral students 181, master's 15, among which won awards like "Ray Wu Scholarship", "Johnson Asian Elite Life Science Graduate Paper Award" and " National Scholarships " and other honors. Nearly 70 percent of graduates enter famous universities abroad to continue their studies, 20 percent remain in the domestic scientific research institutions and others serve into the foreign companies engaged in the development, marketing or technical support work.